Katie Hubbard lived well and died young. A mom of four, she passed away on January 25, 2016. Her work on earth was done, but her influence has persisted. Katie blessed and inspired many people through her posts on Caring Bridge. She wrote faithfully about her joys and fears as a mom living with cancer. (When she was diagnosed in January 2009, her youngest was only one year old.)

Over 2500 people followed Katie’s life story closely on Caring Bridge. Not one of them ever saw her private writings, until now. When she passed away, she left behind 50 journals chronicling her walk with God from middle school through middle age. They are a testament of devotion and a model of what it looks like to live with honesty, hope, and faith in the midst of pain.
This website contains (and complements) the podcast of the same name, There Are Good Things Here, where Katie’s husband, Norman, reads and reflects on her journal entries. Whether you want to read the original journal entries yourself or listen to them on the podcast—or both!—you will find resources for your faith, refreshing honesty, and unexpected joy for the journey through a painful world with a wonderful God. There are good things here.