A Prayer Time With Katie

In this special episode, I want to give you a chance to hear Katie Hubbard in prayer … not just her voice coming through as I read her journal entries … but her actual voice. I recorded a handful of prayer times we shared together in 2014 and 2015. There were not remarkable occasions, but I wanted to capture her heart and voice for the Lord so that others could hear her. (By this point in our lives, we knew she would not survive cancer without a miracle.)

The recording you’re going to hear was made in Illinois in February 2015. As you listen to it, pay attention to the way Katie refers to Scripture. In short, to hear Katie Hubbard in prayer was to hear her telling the Lord what she was learning from The Word.

We learned to pray this way in The Navigators, largely because of the influence of Vic Black, our campus staff. If you’d like to learn more about this kind of prayer, you can check out Vic’s book, Speak, Lord, on Amazon or at Navpress.com.

1 comment

  1. Hi Norman this is Carol. I just listened to your podcast entitled “a prayer time with Katie “. Truly powerful to hear Katie and you pour your hearts out to the Lord . Thank you for sharing and I look forward to the next podcast!

    Carol Poole

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