“I Trust You Jesus” | S01E01

Katie's cancer journals filled with faith building statements
This was one of Katie’s final journal entries, written about two weeks before she passed away.

When Katie wrote the journal entry featured in today’s podcast, she was dying from cancer but growing in faith. You can actually see the toll cancer was taking by observing her unsteady handwriting. With about two weeks to live, however, she was steadying her heart by expressing her trust in her Savior and Lord, Jesus.

Katie used to say—and believe with all her heart—that There Are Good Things Here. She often said that would be the title of her book, if she ever wrote one. No matter how difficult the season with cancer or how barren her soul seemed, she believed that there was goodness to be found in God, his word and his world right here, right now. Only the person whose mind was steadied by faith-filled surrender could find such goodness in the midst of such hardship, though. That’s what you see in this journal entry.


  1. “Are you looking for help or hope; joy in the midst of trials?” Yes. This is a gift. I have been missing Katie especially during our walk through infertility. This may be a soothing balm for my aching soul. Thank you, Norm.

  2. Thanks for sharing this with us. This may be shocking to many people, but this is the very first podcast I have ever chosen to listen to, and I’m so glad I did. Your words immediately brought me back to precious times we shared when our kids were little and the tears started to flow. Indeed, no matter the circumstance, there are good things here!

    1. Thanks for this, Krista! For what it’s worth, this is also the first podcast I’ve listened to regularly :-). Such good memories (through hard days) looking back and such wonderful days ahead for all of us!

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