“I Have So Much To Learn” S01E04

In these two entries from early 2015 (dated January 12 and 14), Katie laments how judgmental she feels as a parent. She has been hard on our son’s faults while ignoring her own. She considers the example of the father in the parable of the prodigal son and expresses how much she wants to be… Continue reading “I Have So Much To Learn” S01E04

“I Don’t Know How To Handle Any Of This” | S01E03

Katie did not shy away from the fatigue and fear that were her constant companions during her years of living with cancer. She was open to the Lord about her fears, her longings, and her concerns. She felt keenly her inadequacies as a mom living with cancer.”I don’t know how to handle any of this—and… Continue reading “I Don’t Know How To Handle Any Of This” | S01E03

“I Do Not Interest Me” | S01E02

Anytime you write something for others to read, there’s a bit of felt pressure that sneaks in with it. Katie’s journals, of course, were her private prayers and meditations. She also kept up a blog for many years on Caring Bridge. Many of you probably kept up with her life story there. In fact, I… Continue reading “I Do Not Interest Me” | S01E02

“I Trust You Jesus” | S01E01

When Katie wrote the journal entry featured in today’s podcast, she was dying from cancer but growing in faith. You can actually see the toll cancer was taking by observing her unsteady handwriting. With about two weeks to live, however, she was steadying her heart by expressing her trust in her Savior and Lord, Jesus.… Continue reading “I Trust You Jesus” | S01E01